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The Journal of Logistics and Digital Supply Chain, newly launched journal from Faculty of Logistics and Digital Supply Chain, Naresuan University which aims to provide a platform for researchers, scientists, and academicians to share knowledge and ideas in the form of high-quality academic articles, original research articles or review articles. The scope of this journal is covering the main fields of Logistics and Digital Supply Chain for promote and support on education, teaching, and research.

Publication Language : Thai or English

The scope of the journal

The scope of the journal articles on 6 fields related to Logistics and Digital Supply Chain as below:

Logistics and Supply Chain Management



Management Science

International Trade

Information Technology

Publication Frequency : 3 issues per year


Issues 1

January – April


Issues 2

May – August


Issues 3

September – December

Peer Review Process

The articles submitted for publication are peer-reviewed by at least 3 reviewers who are knowledgeable in the field as well as approved by the editorial board. Throughout the peer review process, both reviewers and author identities are hidden from each other (Double-blind review). However, the articles from internal authors will be considered by experts outside affiliation and no conflict of interest with the author. This will result in a rigorous assessment of the quality of articles before published to the public.

Types of articles

Research Article

Research Article is an article that has been systematically researched and has a clear purpose in order to obtain some information or principles that will lead to academic advancement or the application of academics to be useful. A research article is a document that has the form of research according to academic principles. For example, the assumptions or problems that are clear and reasonable, must specify a clear and definite objective, has the data collection, analysis, discussion, and summarise the research results which can provide the answers or achieve the objectives.

Academic Article

Academic Article is an analytical article or propose new ideas from the academic basis which has been compiled from their own academic work or others previous studies. In addition, the academic article can be written to provide useful knowledge to interested people.

Review Article

Review Article is an academic work that assesses the latest existing literature (State of the Art) in an attempt to explain the current state of understanding on the study and research topic. There is a modern analysis and synthesis of knowledge both broad and deep by giving criticisms indicating trends that should be studied and developed in the future.

Call for Papers Journal of Logistics and Digital Supply Chain : JLDSC

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